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COVID-19 Town Hall Webinar Series
COVID-19 Town Hall Webinar Series

Practical guidance and legal advice on coronavirus-related employee benefits topics—weekly webinar on Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m. Central.

David LeFevre avatar
Written by David LeFevre
Updated over a week ago

As you are now well aware, COVID-19 has turned the world upside down—quarantine, schools on a spring break that never ends, telecommuting, event cancelations, restaurant closures and rampant anxiety. In an effort to curb the economic repercussions, the Federal Reserve has stepped in, and in March 2020 President Trump signed H.R. 6201, known as the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and HR. 748, known as the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or CARES Act.  

What Does This Mean For You?

While we can't help you source toilet paper or hand sanitizer, we can help you understand the impact of COVID-19 on employee benefits with free legal advice.

You're invited to a town hall-style webinar series that will keep you apprised on coronavirus-related employee benefits topics including furlough and leave management, HIPAA, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, the CARES Act and more. Like all our welfare benefits legal advice, you'll receive practical, actionable guidance.

Join us each Tuesday morning by webinar, hosted by Bloomberg Law contributor and our very own Chief ERISA Geek David LeFevre.

ERISAfire COVID-19 Town Hall
11-noon Eastern
10-11 a.m. Central
9-10 a.m. Mountain
8-9 a.m. Pacific

Guest Speakers

In addition to hearing from our very own Chief ERISA Geek David LeFevre, we will be bringing in guest speakers with new perspectives on navigating employee benefits in a pandemic.

  • March 31 - Lance LeFevre, contributing attorney to ERISAfire, on worker's compensation

  • April 7 - Paul McEwan, CPA, MTax, AIFA and principal at Rea & Associates, on SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) and the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)

  • April 14 - Eric Buchanan, attorney and owner of Eric Buchanan & Associates, on the plantiff's perspective on the COVID-19 pandemic and leave entitlements

  • April 21 - Jack Stephens of National General on a medical TPA's perspective

  • April 28 - Kenneth D. Wells, MD, MBA, public health expert and president of Alken Health Resources, on what flattening the curve really means for businesses and how to return to work

What Is the Cost to Participate?

As a service to our clients and community, we are offering the ERISAfire COVID-19 Town Hall webinar series for FREE.

When Is the Webinar Series?

We will be hosting the ERISAfire COVID-19 Town Hall webinar series every Tuesday at 10 a.m. Central starting March 24, 2020 and continuing through the month of April.

Do I Need to Register?

No prior registration required. Just click on the "Join Webinar" link above at 11 a.m. Eastern/10 a.m. Central/9 a.m. Mountain/8 a.m. Pacific on Tuesday.

How Do I Join the Webinar?

Prior to the meeting, you'll need to download the Zoom app for your computer or mobile device. On the day of the webinar, just click the "Join Webinar" button above or use the link in your calendar appointment.


Reach out via our in-app messenger (friendly little blue guy in the bottom right-hand corner of this screen), type in your question, and one of our team members will assist you.

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