1. Visit projects.erisafire.com and click Sign In.
2. You'll be directed to the ERISAfire Projects login page. Login to your account with your existing credentials.
3. Once you have successfully logged in, click on your name in the top right corner of your dashboard.
4. The dropdown menu will give you two options—edit your profile or log out. Click Edit Profile, which will allow you to change your name and/or email.
5. You will now see a dialogue box with your name and email address. Under Email, delete your existing email address and type in your new email address in its place. Once you have entered your new email address, click the orange Update button.
6. Click on your name on the top right corner of your dashboard and click Log Out from the dropdown menu. You MUST log back in to ERISAfire Projects with your new email address and existing password. This is a critical step that will complete the process of updating your new email address in our system.
You will now be able to login to ERISAfire Projects with your new email address and existing password.
Updating your email address in ERISAfire Projects will also update where you will receive compliance calendar email alerts and communications from our team about your compliance projects.
Questions? If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via the in-app messenger (friendly blue guy in the lower right-hand corner) here or on ERISAfire Projects.